Did you do your homework from Part 1? Yes? Awesome! You are on your way to creating the home you really want!
Now, are you ready for the next part?
It’s going to be fun…
OK, there is some work involved, but hey, you’ve got to start somewhere if you really want to do this!
You can do it!
But before we begin on today’s assignment, let’s talk about what’s really important:
Hopefully in the last post, your perspective changed at least a little bit from “I can’t do this” to “I am thankful for what I already have.” If you actually made the shift to “very thankful for what I have,” then you are in great shape!
Also, if you did the work of writing down all the measurements in your room (whichever room you want that to be), you are prepared to take the next step.
And here it is.
Your Assignment
Write down the things (even if it is only one thing) that you would never get rid of in this room. It can be one piece of furniture, a quilt that you’ve had since childhood, something passed down to you, or something you bought all on your own for the very first time, or with someone you love. It could be something that has a color, shape, pattern, or texture that makes you smile inside (or maybe externally as well!). Whatever it is, write it down; star it, highlight it, circle it… whatever you need to do to give this piece the prominence it deserves.
Now, if you have more than one piece that is special to you in this room, that’s great. The point here is to make sure you make a special note of it.
OK, now for the heavy-lifting.
Take everything out of this room that just isn’t working for you and put it in another room or space so that it is no longer in your sight when you look at this room. I’m talking about a major clear-out of stuff. Don’t worry, you can put it back in later if you want to. This is simply an exercise in letting your room be only what it is.
Clear out all artwork, all the small stuff that can clutter and keep you from seeing this room’s potential at blank-slate stage.
It’s OK to keep the big, heavy pieces in there… unless you just want to get them out of there.
Spend a few days (until my next post) allowing yourself to readjust to this room with its basic bones showing. As you do this, jot down any thoughts you have about what the room is “saying” to you.
For example, does the furniture need to be rearranged? Would something from another room work better in this space for a specific purpose? For example: Could the dining room hutch be used better as a bookshelf? Would a chair from another room work better in this space? If you notice this, go ahead and switch out big pieces and see how you like them in the space.
More than anything, give yourself time. Time to really play around with this room over the next few days.
I know, I know, this is the awkward, ugly duckling stage of a room, right? It can be, but remember to give yourself to permission to look at your room in a new way. Give yourself time to ruminate about how you would like it to look… and function. Draw out or cut and paste ideas into your notebook for this room. Take a picture of something from another room that you don’t want to move just yet, and bring that picture into this room and look at it in the space. Do you like it?
I think this is actually the riskiest part for most folks: CHANGE. But don’t let it frighten you away! It’s actually the beginning of something GREAT that you will love!
Hang in there with me! The best is yet to come!
In the comments let me know what you did in your room. Did you move a big piece out? Rearrange furniture? Pull stuff down off your walls? Are you able to see the room in a different light now? I can’t wait to hear what you’ve done, so tell me and I will cheer you on!
Until next time,
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