How to design a “look” for your home is something many people struggle with. Sure, it’s easy to see a glossy magazine photo or a picture on Pinterest and think it would look nice in our homes, but it’s another thing entirely to actually achieve the look we desire in our own homes, isn’t it?

So where do we start? For many people I talk with, this is such a big obstacle, that they end up not accomplishing anything at all.

I’ve been there.

So how do we begin to build our own unique home?

Over the next couple of posts, I will show you a way to do this. But first, let’s examine our “look.”


Open your eyes to what is already in front of you. And LOOK.

What do you see?

Write it down. No, really… take a few minutes to do this before we move on. It is that important.

Maybe you are currently in a place that is not the home of your dreams. That’s OK. Go ahead and write down all you see. Basically, you are taking inventory of each room you want to decorate.

Go ahead. I’ll wait. 🙂


Look at your list, close your eyes, and say a prayer of thanks for all of it. It may be a big mess; it may not necessarily be the style you are hoping for. But it’s your mess; it’s your life. Even if all you have is a very little, say thanks for it, and realize that if you have a roof over your head, food in your pantry, and maybe even people to share it with, you are materially blessed way beyond most people in the world. It is truly important to keep this “look” in your head as you move forward, and remember to give thanks each step of the way (preaching to myself, here).

Your Assignment

Now, do you have a notebook? Maybe one with dividers? If not, go get one, or put one together with what you have on-hand (paper, scraps to use as dividers, or… just do it all on your computer if you like).

Before the next post in this series, measure out just one room you want to change: Each window, doorway, wall, floor, and all current furnishings. If you have a camera, take pictures.

Next, in a separate section of your notebook for this room, write down the things you like about the space: tall windows, high ceilings, plenty of floor space, color on the walls, curtains, furniture, a pillow, throw blanket, a scrap of fabric… anything that makes your heart sing.

If you are married, have a roommate or children—anyone you share your home with, ask them what they like about the room. Ask them how they like to use the space. Listen carefully and write it all down.

This is your springboard for the next step in making your home the home you want! So have fun thinking through and/or discussing these things as you write them down.

Here are some things I wrote down in my notebook:

“I love that the paint is washable—A must with four kids!”

“I love the tile.”

“I love all the neutral colors… it will go with anything I want to do.”

“I love the tall windows in our bedroom. Lots of natural light.”

“I love the dining room chandelier.”

I could go on. Now, when I look at each room I see the good, not just what needs changing. I see reason to be thankful, and this calms me and my family. I see what I already have instead of what I do not. I see all I have been given, as well as how I can begin to creatively use it to turn my home into something special. This is where the real magic happens in decor!

What is on your list? What do see when you look at your home? Are you thankful for all you have been given? Tell me what you have been blessed with in your home. I’d love to hear all about it in the comments below, or you can email me.

Until part 2…