Have you ever wondered how people successfully decorate their homes?

Do you feel like a home that is beautifully put together is out of your reach?

Read on, Dear Reader…

Let’s talk today about setting focused, short increments of time throughout each day to accomplish decor projects and goals. The key is not getting distracted. Also, writing down important distractions (so they can be dealt with later on) and setting down the phone (or putting it in another room) will aid in keeping the focus on accomplishing one thing at a time. This is the only way I have been able to get all the home decor projects accomplished in our home. It is key to having the time available to plan how I want a room to look, how I schedule focused increments of time, and how I actually DO the projects without overwhelming myself, my family, or my budget.

Focus on ONE project at a time through to completion rather than trying to do a huge overhaul all at once. The shows we see on HGTV with what looks like instant home makeovers are not what they seem. Those makeovers happen for these reasons: there is a focused plan and timeframe in which to accomplish them. Then, there is a crew that can be divided up into different focus groups (demolition, hauling, carpentry, flooring, plumbing, interior design, etc.). Within each of these focus groups, there are also micro-focus groups that are each tasked with a specific task until completion. This is why everything gets done.

Also, it looks like they accomplish everything very quickly, but in reality, it takes several groups of people coming together and working on a home for weeks, sometimes months, before a project is completed.

If you are like me—a real person, with a modest budget with which to set up your home, time frames and crews like you see on HGTV are simply out of your reach. This is where focused determination, patience, and reconciling your reality with your dreams must happen if you want the home of your dreams. I am here to help you make that happen.

You CAN have the home you want, but it WILL take work.

If you are willing to put aside the fantasy world of TV shows and Pinterest, and put those in their proper place—namely, inspiration to keep you fueled—I know you will achieve your home design dreams.

A constant thread you will notice here is accomplishing just one thing at a time. In future posts, I will show you my projects through to completion, I will give you challenges, guidance, creative inspiration, and be here to cheer you on.

For example, I am finishing up my living room design right now. Working mostly on my own, with help from Jim Bob, and our children when possible, I have to be realistic with what can actually be accomplished in a day/week/month.

This is where most people give up and just leave their decor for “someday.” It doesn’t have to be this way! Here you will learn how to start with your dream goal of having the home you want, and break it down into more manageable chunks so that you make daily progress. That progress, over time, snowballs into a momentum that fuels you to keep going; to keep working on your space until completed. My next post will show how I am working on this in my living room, so stay tuned for inspiration!

Here is a photo of my current project, a sad hutch in need of a makeover:

Sad Hutch Needs Love

Sad hutch needs some happy color love!

And here is my inspiration photo for the hutch:

Screenshot of MMS Milk Paint sidebar, showing wainscot backing and yellow-painted dresser

Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint’s sidebar is always a source of inspiration

You CAN do this! In fact, we will do it together; one day at a time, one focused hour at a time, one project at a time, and all on a realistic budget.

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