Originally a Craigslist find, this dresser had seen better days. Two of the drawers were without sliders, the top had been used repeatedly as a coaster, and the drawer fronts, had numerous scrapes and scratches, along with the circle-shaped grooves clearly visible on the front drawer (and others that were lighter and also in need of remediation).

I had a vision for what this piece could be, so I drew it out on paper and got to work.


Dresser - Before

I picked up this sad dresser on Craig’s List. It had been scratched, and scraped, and knicked WAY too many times. The drawers and the top all needed sanding/stripping prior to painting.


Dresser - After

Happy dresser, post make-over. She’s been painted in Miss Mustard Seed Ironstone on the body; the drawers are a custom mix of milk paint. The dresser is lightly distressed and hand-painted with turquoise-center cherry blossoms (using chalk, milk, and acrylic paints). The top has been stained using MMS Curio diluted. The entire piece has been hand-waxed with MMS clear wax. She’s also been given jewelry in the form of silver twig drawer pulls. She’s a happy girl now!


Now this piece makes its owner smile!